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Original and Licensed series

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All events, & characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

Coming Soon


Licensed from "Under My Gorilla Studios" Bound Labs Online™ is a parody of "Gorilla Labs Online" For verification of the UMGS to URS license you may visit their site

This series follows an Esport that's the first of it's kind since it's specifically geared towards adult entertainment, BLO is an advanced VRMMO that intercepts all of the players senses so they are fully immersed in the game.


Players will play various game modes like most other games however if they are eliminated they are bound and sexually tormented in various ways until they are rescued, revived, or until the match is over.

If the player or their team loses they wont be immediately freed from their predicaments, instead they will have to stick around for a little while sometimes while the winning player or team dominates them.


All events, and all characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

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