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Original and Licensed series

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All events, & characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

This series was made out of a nostalgia for Retro 3D characters and art, most of the character models in this series were made and published about 10 years ago and while they are rather outdated by today's standards I still have a fondness for them.

This series aims to bring some life back into old character models that people typically overlook, while allowing me to have extra filler content for Ubu Island™.

There is no overall story for this series currently.

I have about 20 more characters ready for this series but haven't gotten around to publishing them, working on these helped me figure out story details for Ubu Island™ and Ubu Fantasia™.


All events, and all characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

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