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All events, & characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

The 'BDSM Galaxy Online' universe is expanding rapidly with over 80 characters, 30+ species and 6 planets. BGO is based on several different Chinese cultivation manhua and dònghuà which cover various xiānxiá (仙侠) / wǔxiá (武俠) / wulin (武林) stories, combined with inspiration from at least three different video games and my own unique ideas.


Desc Under Developement.

Long ago humans traveled from the Milky Way to Andromeda.

The majority of the stories are focused within the Andromeda Galaxy.


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Galaxy: Andromeda
System: Rezenski
Planet: Dimidium
Gravity: 0.6 G
Oxygen Level: 31%
Surface Area: 3x Earth’s
Surface Temperature Range: -45°C, 47°C
Orbital Period: 730 days

Originating Species: Neko, Usagi, Kitsune, Harpy, Aodhan, Goblin, Kobold, Fairy, Pixie, Whispering Scabella, Faunalus,Sybir Cerv, Sybir Kitsu, Sybir Nezu, Fenekku, Jerboa

Races that originate from this planet are collectively called “Halfpints” by the rest of the universe due to the neotenistic effect the planet has on it’s lifeforms, while it’s generally a diminutive nickname it’s also a fairly accurate descriptive.

On Dimidium there is a substance that is readily ingested and or inhaled by every lifeform present on the planet, this peculiar substance effects the genes of most intelligent lifeforms which typically results in neotenic features of the various lifeforms after having resided on the planet for many generations.

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Planet Dimidium 2K Info - v1,3.jpg

The height for a majority of the genus Halfpint is between 4’0 and 4’4, but there are some outliers to this as the effect is not entirely equal between species; For example Dwarves tend to have a greater height range but are shorter in comparison while Kobolds are taller but their height range is only marginally more.

Fenekku are among the most afflicted with their maximum height being between 2’4 and 2’7, the most vertically challenged species known to originate on Dimidium is Fairies and Pixies, but they aren’t entirely at a disadvantage for what they lack in height they make up for with flight.

There is yet another called a Whispering Scabella, however no one has seen this species which is thought to be a myth, they are supposedly a type of Mushroom that evolved to gain humanoid form after 100,000 years.


Mature adult height ranges from
Newhalf (F&M) 4’4-4’8 / 132-142cm

Galaxy: Andromeda
Planet of origin: Dimidium
Average Soul Level: Mortal(L - 4)

Skin colors: Various shades of Tan or Cream
Fur colors: Brown, White, Black

Eye colors: Brown, Orange, Red, Green, Blue
Hair colors: Brown, Black

Language: Doesnt understand Common

While able to adapt to most environments, this peculiar species is usually found only in the cold region north of the Dwarven capital, its theorized that they evolved from the Faunalus but no one knows for sure.

They all possess both male and female genitals and can reproduce with any of their kin or with most species without issues; They are known to hunt anyone unlucky or foolish enough to enter their territory, which always ends with capture and mating with them.

They are particularly tall for a species originating on Dimidium, if their height doesn
’t intimidate; Then their large equine-esque phallus surely will.

For the sake of simplicity for NSFW content, all races become a mature Adult after they have lived for 18 earth years (6,574 days), regardless of how many days it takes to equal a year on the alien planet. These Characters / Aliens are considered and intended as Mature and fully grown Adults.


Founder: Kellas

Any species is capable of becoming a Cait™ but in doing so they will often develope a tail or occasionally other defining Feline like qualities after reaching One With Nature.

Thousands of years ago Kellas formed the Cait™ sect with various Feline species and withdrew from known space to find refuge on a planet in a dark part of the universe, not long after they recruited new Pawpads™ of various Alien species who obtained similar Feline characteristics as they practiced the Cait's™ cultivation method.

Long ago Kellas amassed an army of 1,000 Feline like species, 100 Warlods and roughly 900 Masters of Self, they all wielded strange weapons of energy that were sometimes referred to as Rays™, these 'Rays™' came in many different shapes ranging from Beams and Katana to Spears, Axes and Knucklers.


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The Caits™ raided many prominent planets through out the universe to further their cultivation, they were eventually defeated but the damage was done, now Caits™ are seen as the main force of evil in the universe with nearly all species despising any Feline race while collectively calling them "Caits™" even when they are not technically a Cait™ nor Awakened, normal Felines had been peaceful for generations.

Meanwhile through out the universe the hunt for Caits™ began, any Feline found was typically killed on sight if it had a weapon or resisted, the rest were enslaved, few Felines manage to escape this would be witch hunt. After a prolonged battle the Caits™ suffered a heavy lose and went into hiding, millennia pass and the real Caits™ have not been seen since but Felines as a whole still suffer the consequences to this day.



There is approximately one out of every 10,000 beings per planet, per Era that has the potential to Awaken, if a planet’s population is 5 Billion that would mean there is the potential for 500,000 Awakened beings. However without knowledge and guidance the real number is always less.

Extra(Under development): After reaching a certain soul level one is able to train a Technique that enables flight using one's own qi.
In addition, telekinetic users can train to fly on their weapons before learning flight.
Special item Dimensional pocket allows storage of items.

Each level is divided into 9 ranks, upon achieving rank 10 you reach the next level.
Levels may also be described in numbers, example:
Awakened = Level 10-19Disciple / Pawpad - Level 20-29
Ancestor = Level 140-149

If you are 4 Levels or greater than opponent, they see you as Unfathomable.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Soul Levels / Ranks

Mortal - Level 0
100 Year lifespan
Awakened - Level 10
+30 Years lifespan (1/10,000 beings | 500,000 per Planet & Era)
Physical +100lbs

Disciple / Pawpad - Level 20
+0 (1/100,000 | 50,000)
Physical +100lbs

One With Nature - Level 30
+100 Years (1/1,000,000 | 5,000)
Physical +500lbs

Warrior - Level 40
+100 Years (1/10,000,000 | 500)
Physical +1,000lbs

Enlightened - Level 50
+500 Years (1/100,000,000 | 50)
Physical +1,000lbs

Master of Self - Level 60
+1,000 Years (1/100,000,000 | 10)
Large Boulder
Warlord - Level 70
+5,000 Years (1 per Planet)
1/10th Mountain +Telekinetic Potential

Shake the World - Level 80
+10,000 Years (1 per 5 Solar systems)
Small Mountain

Infalliable - Level 90
+10,000 Years (1 per 50 Solar systems)
Medium Mountain

Grand Master - Level 100
+10,000 Years (1 per 100 Solar systems)
Large Mountain

Shock the Galaxy - Level 110
+100,000 Years (1 per 1,000 Solar systems)
Mountain Range

Unrivalled - Level 120
+1,000,000 Years (1 per 10,000 Solar systems)

Emperor - Level 130
+10,000,000 Years (1 per 10,000 Solar systems)

Ancestor - Level 140
+100,000,000 Years (1 per 100,000 Solar systems)

Venerable - Level 150
+Imortality (1 per Galaxy)

Divine - Level 160
Eternal - Level 170
Ascended - Level 180
Deity - Level 190

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