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Venom Corp Logo - 08-19-23 - T6.jpg

All events, & characters are entirely fictional and over 18 years of age, they're not meant to depict any real human being.

In late 2023  Ubu Red Studio, ウブレッドスタジオ ("URS") purchased Venom Corp™ ("VC"); Including any and all assets and associated trademarks, the VC brand will remain but from this day forward all operations will be handled by URS and all VC's SecondLife products will be sold from the URS SecondLife storefront.

URS has already assumed control of VC's operations and will provide updates that refine Our Mega-Gag™ line of products in the near future.

Venom Corp™ was founded in (Approximately October[or earlier] of) 2008 by a SecondLife user who went by the name of Lena Lynx™ and Elena Lynx™, these names and character appearances were heavily used in the promotion of VC's products and instruction manuals; Since both Lena Lynx and Elena Lynx are considered vital trademarks of VC they're now fully owned by URS.

Venom Corp is one of the leading RLV gag creators for SecondLife, we've produced and sold BDSM restraints since the store's creation and have created the largest collection of different styles(types) of gags available on SecondLife, - perhaps - the largest 3D collection (of different types) created or owned by a single entity in the world.

Our Mega-Gag™("MG") line of products which was created on February 20th of 2016 (published on March 1st 2016) has the third highest rating on the SecondLife Marketplace (prior to being transferred to URS); It has 67 different styles of gags in one single item they are the first to have over 20 styles in one object and to this day are the only ones to have exceeded that number. MGs produce less lag than most competitors' even when competitors have fewer gag styles in one object; The MG dialog(control) menu is extremely responsive and reliable.

M3 Venus Mega-Gag™ on SecondLife

M3 Mega-Gag™ on SecondLife

M3 Mega-Gag™ on SecondLife

Kemono Mega-Gag™ on SecondLife

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